I've been an independent researcher for about 47 years now, I've been down many a Rabbit Hole to find the truth behind the futile lies. What a mess Western Food Culture is in and has been for around 100 years or so, we have been fed a bunch of lies about healthy eating. I hope to spur visitors on to become researchers themselves, the truth is easy to find, Happy Researching.
What is it? What causes Leaky Gut? How do we fix it?
Leaky Gut, also known as ‘Intestinal Permeability’, is when the semi permeable lining of the gut becomes compromised with cracks and holes through the food we eat, letting viruses, bacteria and food particles pass through and into the Bloodstream. This causes a range of diseases in the digestive tract like IBS and SIBO, leaky gut affects the whole body, bringing a lifetime of inflammation ,discomfort and pain.
Most of the World population has a ‘Leaky Gut’ and they don’t even know it.
Looking at the gut from a different perspective.
If we imagine the gut is a tube of pasta in a sauce the we can see that the sauce easily enters the pasta at one end and can just as easily come out of the other end, we know the sauce is in the pasta, but isn’t inside the pasta itself, its passing through. This arrangement can describe our digestive tract, one end of the pasta is the opening at the mouth and the other end being the Anus. It’s an unbroken continuation of the skin we see on the outside of our bodies.
The section of the tube we know as the ‘Gut’, has a special layer that allows nutrients to be absorbed into the blood stream and onto the cells of our bodies whilst keeping pathogens out. This layer is made up of Three layers, the first layer is hair like structures known as the ‘Brush border’, this layer is where your good gut bacteria lives, the Mucosal layer which transports nutrients through into the blood stream and producing enzymes that digest the food that we eat.
Certain foods that we eat can stop this layer from being able to process the carbohydrates that we ingest, when this happens the carbohydrates pass further down the tube and feed the ‘Bad bacteria’, these bad guys such as pylori produce gas causing bloating, discomfort and inflammation.
The next layer is the muscularis mucosa, this is where the engine lives for the constant wave movement of the villi fingers.
The layer at the bottom of each finger is known as the ‘Tight Junction’s area, when the finger is compromised and the junction is open, the pathogens and food can get through and infect the body.
The image below shows a single finger of the gut lining, many of these are tightly packed together to form the actual lining, they move or wave in a synchronised manner, this keeps the food moving through the digestive tract.
How do we fix the gut lining then? I personally fixed my gut by first supplying the building blocks for the mucosal layer and as its made from Butyrate, I used the food that contains the most Butyrate, this happens to be ‘Ghee Butter’, so I fried with Ghee.
Then we need to repair and strengthen the whole thing with the best amino acid for the job, this is ‘Glutamine’ the highest known food source for glutamine is Beef, so I fried steak in Ghee.
I then rebuilt the microbiome back with Kefir, some Yoghurt, and Sauerkraut, plus some Kimchi.
This is what worked for me, so hopefully the same regime will work for all.
I’d love to hear what you experience if you try this diet, let me know in the comments.
It will cover Food, Nutrition, Toxins, Vitamins, Minerals, Supplements and Exercise broadly speaking.
I also take great interest in blatant food crimes committed by ‘Big Food’.
My latest concern in the food industry is the ever interfering Bill Gates, trying to impose his crazy doctrine on humanity.
He has developed an MRNA vaccine for primarily Beef Cattle against the coming Bird Flu pandemic, which he is suggesting is very near.
His Scientists are say the MRNA vaccine will not be present in any meat in the food supply, but my logic says these Beef cattle are huge beasts and they will get a much larger dose of the vaccine than a Human because they have substantially more body mass.
If they inject directly into the muscle then it will be concentrated in that muscle and when consumed by a human, they surely would get an overwhelming dose of it, on the other hand if injected into a blood vessel the the MRNA would be in the whole of the Animal, they blatantly just say what they think you want to hear without anything to back their claims.
Bill Gates is the biggest farm land owner in the whole of the U.S. he will destroy all Beef Cattle, then literally force Insects down our throats.
The Gates foundation has invested in synthetic plant based Lab grown meat start up companies, he is Hellbent on controlling our Meat consumption.
Australia has already vaccinated their Sheep with MRNA, so if you are going there, then I would avoid eating the Lamb.
My diet is mostly Beef and Lamb so for me these are worrying developments.
Are you worried by the crazy agenda of Bill Gates ? Let me know in the comments.