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Welcome to Healthy Human Food- My Blog and Bookshelf

It will cover Food, Nutrition, Toxins, Vitamins, Minerals, Supplements and Exercise broadly speaking.

I also take great interest in blatant food crimes committed by ‘Big Food’.

My latest concern in the food industry is the ever interfering Bill Gates, trying to impose his crazy doctrine on humanity.

He has developed an MRNA vaccine for primarily Beef Cattle against the coming Bird Flu pandemic, which he is suggesting is very near.

His Scientists are say the MRNA vaccine will not be present in any meat in the food supply, but my logic says these Beef cattle are huge beasts and they will get a much larger dose of the vaccine than a Human because they have substantially more body mass.

If they inject directly into the muscle then it will be concentrated in that muscle and when consumed by a human, they surely would get an overwhelming dose of it, on the other hand if injected into a blood vessel the the MRNA would be in the whole of the Animal, they blatantly just say what they think you want to hear without anything to back their claims.

Bill Gates is the biggest farm land owner in the whole of the U.S. he will destroy all Beef Cattle, then literally force Insects down our throats.

The Gates foundation has invested in synthetic plant based Lab grown meat start up companies, he is Hellbent on controlling our Meat consumption.

Australia has already vaccinated their Sheep with MRNA, so if you are going there, then I would avoid eating the Lamb.

My diet is mostly Beef and Lamb so for me these are worrying developments.

Are you worried by the crazy agenda of Bill Gates ? Let me know in the comments.

1 thought on “Welcome to Healthy Human Food- My Blog and Bookshelf

  1. Bill seems to able to do anything he wants to with impunity, but interfering with a nations food supply should be a criminal act.

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